this is how i feel. (:
yesterday was not a great day. Until I called my brother. He's my best friend.
He was so helpful, and he told me he loved me before I told him I loved him. Small things like that keep me running.
I hung out with a girl who I haven't much really yet, Krista, and she and I kind of think the same. She's a lot of fun.
hereChelsey and I rearranged our room, and it changed
everything. not kidding you. my mood upped so quickly, and everything has just been great since.
we had our mod movie monday last night, and i watched part of that (21) (:, and then Krista and I, along with some other girls, went to the hymn sing in Yost. I wasn't expecting it to be so wonderful. But it was held in a raquetball court, and there was no music. You just shouted out a number for a hymn you wanted to sing, and immediately we would break out in 4 part harmony. I love being mennonite. (: Of COURSE, we sang 606 (or 118 now... sadface.) and then we turned off all the lights and sing praise songs. and this was the part that changed my life. it was completely dark in this room, and there had to have been like, 30 people there. for praise songs, we don't announce what we want to sing, we just start singing. i didn't know all of them, but i had fun listening to the words. I won't lie to you, i got chills a few times. the harmony was amazing, and the words were just perfect.
i needed that.when we were done, Leah turned to me and said I'm the alto she wishes she was. I don't necessarily think I'm great at harmony, but it was great to hear. I stayed up late last night, talking to Chloe, Rachel, Natalie, and Yolli. (: Some really cool girls here. I love our mod.
This morning we had a surprise birthday breakfast for Krista at Daylight Donuts. (: I like feeling included.
Also this morning, I had a meeting with the manager of Lincoln Perk, and got scheduled for training hours. (: I will be working with my cousin, which will be strange, I'm sure, but ultimately wonderful. (: I'm in such a good mood.
Nothing about today is bad. (: