Sunday, July 4, 2010

Outside My Window.

happy fourth of july (:

i'm not sure what else to say other than this morning was a huge letdown.
i went to say goodbye, and i couldn't find him anywhere. i drove around looking for two hours. and went home feeling defeated.

in other news... last night i went downtown, where the cherry festival is (: with caitlin, got fazzoli's, ran to borders to grab a shake from byron, went scooting through walmart with no purpose, and swung home to pick up the crew to go to the beach bum's game. (: ran into a lot of friends there, and talked to mom. it was nice.

now there is a fourth of july party/the annual luau on our beach. it always starts ridiculously early, and lasts ridiculously long. but it's fun, i suppose. lots of booze, and lots of loud music.

today should be pretty great. besides this morning, which ended up not being a complete waste of time (see lower), today has been very relaxing and the weather is beautiful.
here is the hidden gem i found during my great search this morning:

i think i would enjoy just wandering. laying in the grass. preferably in my underwear. i love beautiful things. (:

so long for now, my dears. xoxo,


1 comment:

  1. you said you missed someone. ididnt know if you were talking about drew or what. also. who were you searching for. i never know these things in your blog. but in your journal, its always so clear to me lol.
